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Accounting and Payroll

No business is too small to be without an informed and reliable financial manager.  Our accounting and payroll specialists can provide the expertise of a Chief Financial Officer to small and mid-size businesses.  These services, now available for a flat monthly fee, are designed to be a fast, convenient, and cost-effective way for entrepreneurs to maintain control over their financial future.

Audit and Assurance

There is tremendous pressure for businesses to communicate information clearly and accurately. Any misstep can jeopardize investment opportunities and create added expense. Davidson, Doyle & Hilton can provide a team of experienced professionals well-versed in the complex world of audit and assurance to help your business comply with regulatory agencies and other stakeholders.

Tax Services

Changes in tax laws and regulations are a regular occurrence that can catch even the most seasoned taxpayer off-guard. Our experienced tax specialists believe strongly in proactive tax planning and preparation to help clients avoid surprises and minimize the impact on their financial resources.

Financial Planning

Important financial decisions are not limited to the corporate office. The security of your family requires ongoing planning and investment strategies designed to preserve your wealth for the future. Our team of professionals can provide knowledgeable and unbiased advice for all your wealth management needs.